Friday, May 7, 2010

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

The apartheid was a racial segragation policy in South Africa. just like the one in the United States. But they were segragated from 1948-1990. this thing stated that only white people had the right to do things like voting. but all the other peoples, known as the bantu, didnt have those rights.Nelson Mandela was sent to jail because of this.

nelson mandela fought for the independence of South Africa. he was in the ANCs fight to promote non-violence methods to get freedom and justice and to stop the Apartheid. because of this he was a hero. he was in jail for 26 years and he got out,wrote a book and continued to fight for his people. the people liked this about him. so when the election came they voted for him and he was over in 61% votes.

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