Thursday, February 11, 2010

Film Lesson "Gandhi"

India got its independence thanks to Gandhi. Gandhi used non violence and told all of his followers to use non violence to. No matter what they did, if the police beat them and hurt them they would not fight back. When the guards beat him for burning the papers he didn't do anything.He just kept burning the papers while they kept beating him.It made the british look bad because the British were beating and hurting defenseless indians. And the more they arrested Gandhi, the more people followed him because he did time in prison for the independence of India. Another thing he did to rebel against the British was that he didn't wear the british clothing. He made his own thread and wore only his own clothes made by the thread he rolled. He inspired other people and his followers to do that also. He also rebelled against the British by not buying their salt. He walked really far with a big group of followers to get their own salt instead of paying for the British salt.

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