Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Treaty of Versailles ( end of WW1)

The Treaty of Versailles ended world war 1. Because of the treaty, the war between Germany and the Allied Powers had ended. The treaty also made the German emperor a war criminal and some other german fighters also. Also because of the treaty the Germans lost a lot of land. The Germans had to pay billions of dollars because of the damage they did. They also lost oversea territories. I think that the treaty was unfair because the Germans had to pay billions of dollars. I think they say the treaty led to the power of Hitler because at the time Germany was poor and had no hope in their country so Hitler wanted to give his country hope and wanted to bring Germany back up.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal made Turkey more modernized by giving women more freedom. Women were able to vote and he had government funded industrialize Turkey and for the economic growth. He also had a clothing rule so that Turkey can be more modernized. His rule was to dress civilized, wear boots or shoes,shirts and ties, jackets and waistcoats and a hat. He made government workers dress in western style business suits.He banned people from wearing the fez. The fez was a red hat that was a traditional thing for Turkish people to wear. He did this so that they can be more modern and more American.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Film Lesson "Gandhi"

India got its independence thanks to Gandhi. Gandhi used non violence and told all of his followers to use non violence to. No matter what they did, if the police beat them and hurt them they would not fight back. When the guards beat him for burning the papers he didn't do anything.He just kept burning the papers while they kept beating him.It made the british look bad because the British were beating and hurting defenseless indians. And the more they arrested Gandhi, the more people followed him because he did time in prison for the independence of India. Another thing he did to rebel against the British was that he didn't wear the british clothing. He made his own thread and wore only his own clothes made by the thread he rolled. He inspired other people and his followers to do that also. He also rebelled against the British by not buying their salt. He walked really far with a big group of followers to get their own salt instead of paying for the British salt.